Turkey Control

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      Australian brush turkeys can cause a lot of damage to your garden and are often seen in suburban areas. They are protected species, so the only way to get rid of them is to catch them and relocate them to a more suitable habitat. In this blog, we will discuss some ways to deter turkeys and how to trap and relocate them safely.


      Preventing turkeys from building their nests in your garden is the key to deterring them. Ensure there are no piles of exposed composting material in your yard. Piles of mulch and leaf litter are what male turkeys use to build their nests, so having composting material lying around in your garden invites them to make themselves at home. Once they start building a nest in your yard, they become very hard to deter, so it’s best to avoid giving them a reason to start building there in the first place.

      If you notice a male turkey has started to build a nest in your garden, the best way to keep him away is to lay chicken wire on the ground around the nest. This will make it difficult for him to continue building his mound. Another method is to fence off the whole nest completely so that it becomes harder to access. This may prompt the turkey to move onto a more hospitable environment. However, some turkeys can be stubborn, and some may decide to persevere in making your backyard their home.

      Trapping and Relocating

      If you have an unwanted feathered friend residing in your yard, trapping and relocating them may be the best long-term solution. As brush turkeys can grow quite large, up to almost a meter long, a fairly large trap is required. Turkey traps have a mirror in the back of them to attract the male turkeys. They see their reflection and believe it to be another male invading their territory. This draws them closer to defend their space, they go inside the trap where they trigger it shut and become trapped.

      Once the turkey is trapped, care needs to be taken to maintain its safety. You can call a professional bird control technician to quickly and safely catch and relocate the turkey for you. If you live in the South-East Queensland region, you can contact our team at 1300 442 978. We provide services all across Brisbane and the Sunshine and Gold Coasts. Once a destructive, captured turkey is relocated, it will not return to your garden.

      Contact The Experts

      Protecting your garden from turkeys requires a bit of effort and care. Deterrents such as laying chicken wire on the ground and avoiding piles of exposed composting material can help prevent them from building their nests in your yard. However, if you have an unwanted feathered friend residing in your garden, trapping and relocating them may be the best long-term solution. Have a pest problem? Get in touch with our experts today.

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      Other Pest Companies We Trust

      Although it can be hard to find a pest control company in Brisbane that you can trust for professional and reliable pest control services, the Pest Control South Side team does recommend two other great pest control businesses: Pesky Possum Bird & Pest Control and Pest Control North Brisbane.

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      Free Service Period (FSP)

      We offer free service periods on all our work.

      • 12 months for Possum Removal and Proofing
      • 12 months for Bird Removal and Proofing
      • 6-12 months for General Pest Control (internal)
      • 1 month for Rat and Mice Control
      • 1 month for Wasp Removal

      All FSP subject to conditions

      Contact Pest Control South Side

      ABN: 83 120 032 742 – ACN: 120 032 742
      Address: 7 Bishop Court, Loganlea
      Phone: 1300 442 978

      Hours of operation
      Monday to Friday : 8.00 - 5.00 pm
      Saturday : 8.00 - 12 noon
      Sunday : Closed

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