Mouse Control – Domestic and Commercial

Are you freaking out because of mice in your house? Is the problem becoming unbearable? If so, you may have a mouse infestation. Mice are considered one of the world’s top 100 worst invaders.

Mice in the home can be a major problem. Mouse pest control can get tricky. Mice reproduce quickly, they are great at finding hiding places within your walls and floors, and they can be very difficult to catch and kill. There are several types of mice that can be found in an Australian home. Field mice find their way into homes, especially during the winter months. House mice stay in the homes and buildings all year round.

Mice infestations in a home can cause contamination, diseases, discomfort, and other pesky issues in your daily life. Mouse bites can possibly be extremely dangerous for babies and small children. If you have mice in your home, you may want to consider getting an exterminator or contacting your local pest control.

If you are unsure if you have a mouse infestation, or if you are looking for ways to deal with mice in your home, this article may be beneficial for you. Here are a few facts and tips that will help you deal with mice in your home.


What Is The Difference Between Rats And Mice?

difference between mouse and rat Pest Control Southside

One of the main differences between mice and rats is their behavior. Mice tend to be very curious. They sniff around new things and they love to explore new territory. Rats, on the other hand, are extremely cautious. They avoid new spaces and stick to the dark corners they are used to. Here are a few more differences between rats and mice.

Physical Differences

Mice: Mice are usually much smaller than rats. They have tiny heads and feet. Their noses are pointy and they usually have a light brown or gray body and darker tails.

Rats: Unlike mice, rats are usually large rodents with a very fat or thick body. Their noses are slightly larger and their hair is usually a dark shade of brown or black.

Body Movement

Mice: Mice are more mobile than rats. They are able to stand on their back legs while using their tails as support. Mice can also jump, swim, climb, and squeeze their way through small spaces. They can jump very high and run along skinny support systems like ropes or wires. Mice typically show themselves in the evening. They stay away from the sunshine and bright indoor lighting.

Rats: Like mice, rats can slip through tiny holes and squeeze through cracks. They can also swim. Rats are able to swim through pipes, plumbing systems, and sewers. They are also great climbers, they use their climbing skills to find food and protect themselves from harm. Rats are routine driven animals, they stay in the spaces they are familiar with and shy away from new spaces.

Habitat, Diet, & Breeding

Mice: Mice love to eat grains and they also thrive off of plants. Know that mice are not picky eaters, although they may prefer grains and plants, they will also eat virtually anything.

These mice are very resourceful when it comes to building a home. The tiny rodents use soft material found outdoors and in homes to create a nest. A mouse nest is usually concocted from thinly shredded paper, wood chips, and virtually any other materials they can find.

All mice reproduce very quickly. Female mice are capable of giving birth to 10 or more litters of mice per year. A typical mouse litter is about 5 to 6 babies.  This is how mice spread throughout your home so quickly.

Rats: Rats, like mice, will eat almost anything. They are not picky about their diets, but if they had a choice they would choose grains and meats. Rats value fluid intake and they need daily fluid to survive. Rats like to dig underground and through tunnels and buildings.

Female rats reproduce at a similar speed as mice. They typically breed about six litters of about eight babies per year.


Frequently Asked Questions About Mice

How long does a mouse live?

A mouse living in the walls and crevices of your home may live up to three years. Typically, mice live a little over one year.

What if I don’t see mice?

If you don’t actually see a mouse or find a dead mouse in your home you can look for distinct signs of mice in the home. Here are a few to keep in mind.

  • Tiny food scrapings or shredded wrappers in odd places like obscure corners and cabinets.
  • Small mice droppings which can resemble pebbles and tiny hairs.
  • Tiny hewed holes in food boxes or papers in the home
  • Little prints or pathways which were previously cleaned are now greasy or dirty
  • Scratching sounds in your wall or tiny pattering footsteps from your floorboards
  • Strange behavior from your housepets. Pay attention if you see them investigating or sniffing the walls or small holes in your home’s infrastructure.
  • Musty odors and questionable smells that are not normally found in your home

What do mice eat?

mouse eating watermelon Pest Control Southside

If a mouse had its choice it would go with cereals, grains, and plants. Luckily for them, mice are not very picky. A mouse will eat virtually anything if they are hungry.

Why are mice not being caught by my traps?

Mice are fast and good at avoiding traps. They are also very fond of looking for new things, they have a curious nature. Be sure to change the locations of your traps. If a mouse gets used to one trap in the same location it will simply go a different way. Be sure to place your traps in areas where there are signs of mouse activity. Try adding some bait like food crumbs or water puddles in the area.

Your traps should be put in the same area as the mice. Review the section of this article that lists signs of mice in your home. If you see mouse droppings, shreddings, or chewed items in the same area all the time, place a trap there and see what happens.


Diseases Spread By Mice

You should take it very seriously if you are experiencing continuous issues with mice in your home. Mice can cause serious threats to human health.


“Mouse infestation can be very dangerous to you and your family.”


Humans can be transmitted disease from mice through contamination of food, contact with feces, or indirect contact and contamination from the rodent. Rat bite fever or relapsing fever, and favus, a skin disease caused by a fungus, are two of many diseases that can come from a mouse infestation.


Mice Infestation Signs

mouse pest infestation Pest Control Southside

If you are experiencing an uncontrollable amount of the signs of mice in your home, you may be dealing with an infestation. Keep an eye out for excessive mouse droppings, consistent holes and gnawing marks, nests, and scraping sounds. Take the following steps to help prevent an infestation in your home:

  • Make repairs to any holes, broken doors, or faulty screens in your home.
  • Be sure to store foods in sealable containers
  • Rid the home of areas of moisture
  • Contact a professional if you feel you are dealing with an infestation.

If you are dealing with a continuous mouse issue and you are unable to remove them on your own, you may need to call an experienced pest control specialist. The exterminator will help remove the pests from your home. Southside Pest Control is one of Australia’s most trusted extermination and rodent removal services.  Their services range from residential and commercial pest control to outdoor and bird control.

A mouse infestation can be dangerous to you and your family. Be sure to address it before someone is harmed or contaminated by the problem.


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Acacia Ridge – Algester – Annerley – Archerfield – Burbank – Calamvale – Coopers Plains – Darra – Doolandella – Drewvale – Durack – Dutton Park – Eight Mile Plains – Ellen Grove – Fairfield – Forest Lake – Greenslopes – Heathwood – Holland Park – Holland Park West – Inala – Karawatha – Kuraby – Larapinta – MacGregor – Mackenzie – Mansfield – Moorooka – Mount Gravatt – Mount Gravatt East – Nathan – Pallara – Parkinson – Richlands – Robertson – Rochedale – Rocklea – Runcorn – Salisbury – Seventeen Mile Rocks – Sinnamon Park – Stones Corner – Stretton – Sumner – Sunnybank – Sunnybank Hills – Tarragindi – Tennyson – Upper Mount Gravatt – Wacol – Willawong – Wishart – Yeerongpilly – Yeronga

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Free Service Period (FSP)

We offer free service periods on all our work.

  • 12 months for Possum Removal and Proofing
  • 12 months for Bird Removal and Proofing
  • 6-12 months for General Pest Control (internal)
  • 1 month for Rat and Mice Control
  • 1 month for Wasp Removal

All FSP subject to conditions

Contact Pest Control South Side

ABN: 83 120 032 742 – ACN: 120 032 742
Address: 7 Bishop Court, Loganlea
Phone: 1300 442 978

Hours of operation
Monday to Friday : 8.00 - 5.00 pm
Saturday : 8.00 - 12 noon
Sunday : Closed

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