The Safest Way To Deal With Bees

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      It’s no secret that bees are incredibly important to our ecosystem, but let’s face it, they can sometimes be annoying if they set up shop on your property. Fortunately, the team at Pest Control South Side offers humane and professional bee removal services. Our bee removal services are designed to gently remove the bees and relocate them safely, keeping you, your family and the bees safe throughout the process. In this blog article the Pest Control South Side team will be looking at the importance of bees, what not to do when dealing with bees and the safest way to remove bees from your property.

      The Importance of Bees

      Before we get started, let’s take a quick look at the importance of bees. Did you know that bees are the most important pollinators for food crops? In fact, we rely on bees each and every day of our lives. Much of the food we consume relies heavily on the ability of bees to pollinate. Without bees, 33% of our food supply would be threatened along with some of our medicines! It’s not hard to see why bees are so important.

      What Not To Do When Dealing With Bees

      As you can see, bees are incredibly important to our lives. This is why it is crucial to solve your bee problem safely for both you and the bees. One of the worst choices you can make is trying to remove the beehive by yourself. Not only will this expose you to unnecessary risk of many bee stings, but you can also cause a lot of harm to the bees and your local ecosystem. Using pest sprays and other chemicals is also a bad idea as this usually kills the bees.

      Let The Bee Removal Experts Take Care of It

      The safest, most humane way to remove bees from your commercial or residential property is to contact the experts at Pest Control South Side. Our bee removal experts come to your property and safely remove the bees without causing any harm to them or you! Click here if you would like to learn more about our bee removal services.

      Get In Touch With The Bee Removal Experts at Pest Control South Side

      Do you have a beehive on your property that you would like to safely remove? Call us today on 1300 442 978. The professionals at Pest Control South Side are here to help you! Get in touch with our bee removal experts today!

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      Would you like to stay updated on the latest news, updates, tips and articles from the team at Pest Control South Side? Follow us on social media! You can also check in on this blog to browse our latest articles. Don’t forget to check in on our friends at Pesky Possum Bird & Pest Control and Pest Control North Brisbane.

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      Free Service Period (FSP)

      We offer free service periods on all our work.

      • 12 months for Possum Removal and Proofing
      • 12 months for Bird Removal and Proofing
      • 6-12 months for General Pest Control (internal)
      • 1 month for Rat and Mice Control
      • 1 month for Wasp Removal

      All FSP subject to conditions

      Contact Pest Control South Side

      ABN: 83 120 032 742 – ACN: 120 032 742
      Address: 7 Bishop Court, Loganlea
      Phone: 1300 442 978

      Hours of operation
      Monday to Friday : 8.00 - 5.00 pm
      Saturday : 8.00 - 12 noon
      Sunday : Closed

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