How To Get Rid Of Ants Naturally

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      How To Get Rid Of Ants Naturally

      We all know that ants are one of the most common and annoying pests for homes in Australia. They are present all year round and can wreak havoc in your home if left to get comfortable! Fortunately, there are some great natural methods you can try right now to get rid of ant infestations in your home. Last month the amazing team at Pesky Possum Pest Control published a list of some of these natural methods and we thought it was so great we should share it with our amazing customers over here at Pest Control Southside. So let’s get started!



      Yes, that’s right, chalk! Chalk works as an amazing natural ant repellent. Ants love communicating with each other. It is how they work so well together when looking for food and venturing beyond their home colony. To keep in touch with each other ants use something called a pheromone trail. This is a trail made up of semiochemicals which ants release from their bodies to send message to other ants while out travelling and looking for food. The trails can stick around in your home for anywhere from 10 minutes to even 10 days. This is where the chalk comes in! Chalk works to disrupt this pheromone trail to stop ants moving passed it. This removes these pheromone trail maps that ants have left all throughout your home. Simply drawing a line of chalk at the bottom of your door is enough to stop ants in their tracks! If this method works for you then it is best to draw a line of chalk in all the spots of your home which ants commonly use to enter.



      Soap is another natural thing in your home that you can use to repel ants. Soap works very much like how chalk works, by disrupting the pheromone trail that ants leave to communicate with each other. It is the smell of soap or detergent that does this, which also works on other forms of insects which can invade your home. The stronger the soapy solution the more effective you will find it! If you already have an ant infestation in your home, soap also works as a great natural exterminator. To do this effectively you can try filling a spray bottle with soapy detergent solution and spraying it over the ant infestation. This always proves to be effective.


      Peanut Butter

      Peanut butter isn’t just good for popping on your toast in the morning! Australian house ants are actually little sweet tooth’s, that is why they love getting into some of the sweet items in your kitchen, like honey! Peanut butter is another common household pantry item that ants just love to infiltrate. This is what makes peanut butter perfect for using as bait. When ants find sweet treats like honey or peanut butter they like to bring some back to their colony to share. Mixing peanut butter with a form of poison like borax will create a toxic poison for ants, which will get rid of an entire colony when brought back by the worker ants.


      Fresh Garlic

      Fresh garlic is another great natural home remedy for dealing with ant infestations in Brisbane, plus most of us have some sitting around in our kitchens. Try peeling a clove or two of garlic and leaving it around your home in the places where you find ants commonly. Garlic spray is also a great thing to use to make it a little easier to quickly spray some areas around your home if you are seeing a few ants getting in.


      What do you think?

      What did you think of these awesome tips for getting rid of ants in your home? We think that all these tips are great, however it is always important to keep in mind that pest prevention is always a better option!

      If you have an annoying ant infestation in your home and need some professional help, then the Pest Control Southside team are the perfect choice for you.

      Our qualified pest controllers can treat/relocate a range of domestic pests including the following:

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