Common Winter Pests in Australia

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      Winter is here and that doesn’t just mean that it is getting colder! Winter weather brings in some common pests that can invade your home looking for shelter, warmth and a solid food source. As Brisbane’s most effective pest control service provider, the team at Pest Control South Side is breaking down some of the most common Australian winter pests.



      Spiders are a very common winter pest in Australia. They enter your home looking for food, warmth and a good shelter. They often find all three in cozy Brisbane homes! Look out for spiders this winter and call in the professionals at Pest Control South Side if you need help.



      Rodents are another common winter pest that you may find invading your home this time of year. Similarly to other pests, they are looking for food and shelter which is why your home is perfect for their winter shelter. Call us today if you find a rodent in your home. We can help you to humanely remove them or exterminate them when necessary. You get in contact with the Pest Control South Side team by calling us on 1300 767 770.



      Are you seeing cockroaches around your home? Don’t worry, cockroaches are a very common winter pest. If you find cockroaches in your home then you may find that you have created a good environment for them. Leaving excess food scraps and mess around the house is a quick way to attract cockroaches to your Brisbane property. By keeping your home clean and free of mess you can dissuade cockroaches from entering your home. If your home is already invaded by cockroaches then it is time to call in the professionals at Pest Control South Side. We are one of the best Brisbane pest control service providers and are ready to help you with any of your pest problems.


      Need Professional Help? Call Pest Control Southside!

      Are you experiencing problems with these common winter pests in your Brisbane property? There is no better team to help you than Pest Control South Side. Our team is experienced in providing successful pest control services to residents all across Brisbane and south east Queensland. With both removal and extermination offerings, we always proceed with the very best pest control service for your property.

      Here is a list of pests we can help you with:

      If you would like to get in contact with the team at Pest Control South Side, you can call us today on 1300 767 770. If you would prefer to contact us through our website you can click here to fill out our contact form.

      Services all over South Side

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      Free Service Period (FSP)

      We offer free service periods on all our work.

      • 12 months for Possum Removal and Proofing
      • 12 months for Bird Removal and Proofing
      • 6-12 months for General Pest Control (internal)
      • 1 month for Rat and Mice Control
      • 1 month for Wasp Removal

      All FSP subject to conditions

      Contact Pest Control South Side

      ABN: 83 120 032 742 – ACN: 120 032 742
      Address: 7 Bishop Court, Loganlea
      Phone: 1300 442 978

      Hours of operation
      Monday to Friday : 8.00 - 5.00 pm
      Saturday : 8.00 - 12 noon
      Sunday : Closed

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